iPad 4 Wi-Fi Display Bezel Replacement

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Step 1 - Front Panel Assembly (2)

  • If there's a piece of electrical tape covering the Wi-Fi antenna, speaker cable and the home button ribbon cable, remove it.

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Step 2

  • Lift up the flap retaining the home button ribbon cable ZIF connector.

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Step 3

  • Pull the home button ribbon cable out of its socket on the logic board. Do this with a pair of tweezers.

Step 4

  • De-route the home button ribbon cable from its niche in the rear case.

Step 5

  • A piece of tape is securing the digitizer ribbon cable to the logic board. Peel it back with a pair of tweezers.

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Step 6

  • Lift up the retaining flap on both digitizer ribbon cable ZIF connectors.

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Step 7

  • Loosen the adhesive under the digitizer ribbon cable with the flat end of a spudger.

  • Take out the digitizer ribbon cable out of its sockets on the logic board.

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Step 8

  • Peel back the digitizer ribbon cable. Separate the cable from the adhesive securing it to the rear aluminum case with the flat end of a spudger.

Step 9

  • Take the digitizer ribbon cable out of its niche in the aluminum frame. Do this with your fingers.

  • Separate the front panel from the iPad.

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Step 10 - Display Bezel
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  • Push the edge of the plastic opening tool between the plastic and aluminum frames close to the one of the corners.

  • Move the plastic opening tool carefully along the iPad's edge and release the adhesive.

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Step 11

  • Keep sliding the plastic opening tool along the left edge of the iPad in the same way as in the previous step.

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Step 12

  • When you get near the bottom left edge, rotate the plastic opening tool around the corner and keep moving it along the bottom edge.

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Step 13

  • Keep moving the plastic opening tool along your iPad's right edge.

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Step 14

  • While you're sliding the plastic opening tool along the top edge of the iPad, mind the front facing camera.

Step 15

  • Once you have released the adhesive along the iPad's edges, take the plastic display bezel off of the iPad.