If there's a piece of electrical tape covering the Wi-Fi antenna, speaker cable and the home button ribbon cable, remove it.
Pull the home button ribbon cable out of its socket on the logic board. Do this with a pair of tweezers.
A piece of tape is securing the digitizer ribbon cable to the logic board. Peel it back with a pair of tweezers.
Loosen the adhesive under the digitizer ribbon cable with the flat end of a spudger.
Take out the digitizer ribbon cable out of its sockets on the logic board.
Peel back the digitizer ribbon cable. Separate the cable from the adhesive securing it to the rear aluminum case with the flat end of a spudger.
Take the digitizer ribbon cable out of its niche in the aluminum frame. Do this with your fingers.
Separate the front panel from the iPad.
Some adhesive is holding the home button assembly and the front panel together. The best solution is to use the iOpener to soften the adhesive.
Microwave the iOpener for one minute only on the highest power setting.
Do not overheat the iOpener and wait for at least two minutes before reaheating it.
Put the iOpener on the home button on the front edge of the display.