Maxlife MXUC-11magnetic USB-C / Lightning Cable - 1m, 27W - Black

Maxlife MXUC-11magnetic USB-C / Lightning Cable - 1m, 27W - Black
Číslo produktu:3010943
1 ks:
289,00 Kč
Doporučeno MyTrendyPhone
  • Maxlife MXUC-11magnetic USB-C to Lightning Cable - 1m, 27W Fast Charging, Nylon Braided, Reinforced Connectors

    The Maxlife MXUC-11magnetic USB-C to Lightning Cable is the ideal solution for users seeking fast, reliable charging and efficient data transfer. With a power output of 27W, this 1-meter cable delivers quick charging for your devices, ensuring you're back up and running in no time. The durable nylon braided design prevents tangling and breakage, while the reinforced USB-C to Lightning connectors guarantee a longer lifespan. The innovative magnetic cable winding feature allows for easy length adjustments, making it a convenient and comfortable accessory for everyday use. Whether you're charging your phone, tablet, or laptop, this cable offers the perfect balance of functionality, durability, and speed.

    Key Features and Specifications
    - Fast Charging (27W): Enjoy rapid charging for your devices, with up to 27W of power for quick recharging.
    - Efficient Data Transfer: The cable supports efficient data transmission, making it ideal for syncing your devices.
    - Durable Nylon Braided Design: The tough nylon braid protects against tangling and breakage, ensuring a long-lasting cable.
    - Reinforced USB-C to Lightning Connectors: Designed for durability and longevity, these connectors provide a reliable and stable connection.
    - Magnetic Cable Winding: Allows for easy length adjustment and improved convenience, making the cable more user-friendly.

    - Length: 1meter
    - Charging Power: 27W
    - Material: Nylon braided cable
    - Connectors: USB-C to Lightning (reinforced)
    - Data Transfer: Yes (supports efficient data syncing)

    Why This Product Is Perfect to Buy
    The Maxlife MXUC-11magnetic USB-C to Lightning Cable combines fast charging with an innovative design, offering convenience and reliability for your everyday charging needs. Its durable construction, reinforced connectors, and magnetic winding feature make it a practical choice for those who need a cable that can withstand frequent use without compromising performance. Whether you need a fast charging solution or efficient data transfer, this cable is an essential accessory for your devices.

    Interesting Facts About Its Type
    - Magnetic Cable Winding: The magnetic feature provides a unique and practical way to manage cable length, making it easier to store and organize your cables.
    - Durable Nylon Braided Construction: Nylon is known for its strength and durability, protecting the cable from wear and tear while ensuring a long product lifespan.
    - Fast Charging & Data Syncing: This cable is not only great for fast charging but also supports efficient data transfer, making it a versatile tool for your devices.

    Get the Maxlife MXUC-11magnetic USB-C to Lightning Cable today and experience fast, reliable charging with a design that stands up to daily use.

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5907457795969


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