Touch 3 Modes LED Eye Protection Desk Lamp with Clock, Fan, and Pen Holder - USB Powered

Touch 3 Modes LED Eye Protection Desk Lamp with Clock, Fan, and Pen Holder - USB Powered

Číslo produktu:3009645
1 ks:
1.328,00 Kč
  • Touch 3 Modes LED Eye Protection Desk Lamp with Clock, Fan, and Pen Holder - USB Powered

    Upgrade your workspace with the multifunctional Touch 3 Modes LED Eye Protection Desk Lamp. Designed for comfort and convenience, this lamp features three adjustable lighting modes to suit your reading, studying, or relaxing needs while providing gentle, eye-friendly illumination. The built-in clock helps you keep track of time, while the integrated fan ensures a cool breeze during long work or study sessions. Plus, with a handy pen holder, you can keep your desk organized. Powered by a USB cable, this lamp is perfect for any desk or bedside setup, offering both style and functionality in one sleek design.

    Key Features and Specifications:
    - 3 Adjustable Lighting Modes: Choose from three brightness levels to create the perfect lighting for reading, studying, or relaxing, reducing eye strain.
    - Built-In Clock Display: Conveniently keep track of time while working or studying, with an easy-to-read clock display.
    - Integrated Cooling Fan: Enjoy a gentle breeze during warm days, making your workspace or bedside area more comfortable.
    - Pen Holder for Organization: Keep pens, pencils, or small tools within easy reach, helping you maintain a tidy workspace.
    - USB Cable Powered: Easy to power via any USB port, making it ideal for use with laptops, power banks, or USB wall adapters.

    Ideal Examples of Usage:
    - Study Sessions: Use the adjustable lighting modes to find the perfect brightness for late-night studying, ensuring your eyes stay comfortable.
    - Work from Home: Keep your desk organized and well-lit, with the added convenience of a fan to stay cool during long work hours.
    - Bedside Lamp: Ideal for reading before bed or as a nightstand clock, providing soft lighting that won’t disturb your sleep.
    - Kids’ Desk: A great addition to your child’s study area, combining a fun fan feature with practical lighting and organization.
    - On-the-Go Use: With USB cable power, you can easily connect it to a power bank, making it portable for outdoor or remote work setups.

    Reasons to Buy:
    - Eye-Friendly Lighting: The LED design is gentle on the eyes, helping to reduce eye strain during extended use, making it perfect for readers and students.
    - All-in-One Design: Combines a lamp, clock, fan, and pen holder into one compact unit, saving space on your desk or nightstand.
    - Customizable Light Settings: Adjust the brightness to match your needs, providing the right lighting for any task or time of day.
    - Portable and Versatile: USB-powered functionality allows you to use it anywhere with a compatible power source, enhancing its portability.
    - Stylish and Practical: The modern design adds a touch of style to any room while providing practical features that improve productivity.

    Interesting Facts About the Product Type:
    - LED Eye Protection Technology: LED desk lamps are designed to provide flicker-free lighting that reduces eye strain, making them a popular choice for students and office workers.
    - Multifunctional Desk Accessories: Products that combine multiple features, like a lamp, clock, and fan, are perfect for optimizing small workspaces or bedrooms.
    - USB Power Convenience: USB-powered devices have become increasingly popular for their portability and ease of use, allowing users to power them with laptops, power banks, or wall adapters.
    - Energy-Efficient Lighting: LED lamps consume less energy compared to traditional lighting, making them a cost-effective choice for those looking to reduce their energy bills.
    - Desk Organization: Keeping a tidy workspace has been shown to improve focus and productivity, making multifunctional accessories like this one a valuable addition to any study or work area.

    The Touch 3 Modes LED Eye Protection Desk Lamp with Clock, Fan, and Pen Holder is the perfect blend of functionality and style, making it an essential accessory for any home, office, or study space.

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5714122495815


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Destinace Dopis Balík
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Pošta Online DHL UPS
Čeština 60,00 Kč Dodací lhůta: 2-3 pracovní dny 306,00 Kč Dodací lhůta: 2-3 pracovní dny 400,00 Kč Dodací lhůta: 2-3 pracovní dny

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